Five Card Flickr

As of Wed, 08 Jun 2022 16:52:11 +0000 29554 Five Card stories have been created on this site from 28764 tagged flickr photos.

This web site is designed to foster visual creativity by making stories out of photos. It is based completely on the Five Card Nancy game devised by comics guru Scott McCloud and the nifty web version at 741.5 Comics.

Magical Bushes
a five card flickr story by MDDF

However, rather than using randomly chosen panels of the old Nancy comic, my version draws upon collections of photos specified by a tag in flickr. You are dealt five random photos for each draw, and your task is to select one each time to add to your building set of images, that taken together as a final set of 5 - tell a story in pictures.

When you are done, you can add a title and explanation, and save the story. You can easily put a link in your resume or send to your Mom (she may print it out and tape it to the fridge, or she may criticize your creativity, your mileage and mom may vary). Plus we offer the ability to tweet your story or use an embed code to add it to your own web site.

What do stories look like? What a fantastic question you ask!

We have a growing collection of mixed bag stories, but for an example see a random one such as we have inserted here.

The code for this site is opensource and available at

So what are you waiting for? Take a fling at weaving a tale with pictures only!