Five Card Story: Trip to Anctient Times

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a Five Card Flickr story by Maggie created Jul 30 2009, 01:59:33 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) kairós (2) lesliemb (3) nessman (4) D'Arcy Norman (5) D'Arcy Norman

about this story

One day, a man named John was eating breakfast at a hotel. He took a bite of what looked like a banana-nut muffin and instantly was transported back to the place where the first in the world were eaten. John explored the Land of Peanuts and saw that there were many exotic birds that lived in trees. John now knew and understood the history of nuts and he found himself on an airplane headed back to his hotel. When he got back there was a parade going on just for him because he knows now the full importance of peanuts.

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flickr photo credits: (1) kairós (2) lesliemb (3) nessman (4) D'Arcy Norman (5) D'Arcy Norman

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