Five Card Story: My Day In Paris

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a Five Card Flickr story by Nancy Spencer created Nov 06 2009, 03:39:54 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) krutscjo (2) Choconancy1 (3) spacedlawyer (4) Danny Nicholson (5) colecamp

about this story

I went to Paris this summer. This apartment building is huge but has so many apartments in it they are really small. I love art and went to the Louvre. Here's an abstract picture that I think looks like an angel on the right. The next two pictures are in the lobby of the apartment building. Creepy! Finally, another piece of art that's really innovative! Ha! Ha!

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flickr photo credits: (1) krutscjo (2) Choconancy1 (3) spacedlawyer (4) Danny Nicholson (5) colecamp

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