Five Card Story: A Mystery

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a ds106 story by Sofia created Feb 12 2011, 02:32:52 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) jasonkgreen (2) twothousandsuns (3) srodgers2 (4) NoiseProfessor (5) afacewithfreckles

about this story

I am walking through the hallway in an office building, when I hear something fall behind the door that I am standing near. I knock, and hear running. I open the door and see a laptop sitting on a desk. All of a sudden I hear a noise outside the window and quickly run to just see some chairs a table outside in the courtyard. All of a sudden I notice a man wearing black walking away. I decide to follow him. He goes into the darkness and is no where to be seen...

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flickr photo credits: (1) jasonkgreen (2) twothousandsuns (3) srodgers2 (4) NoiseProfessor (5) afacewithfreckles

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