flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) bionicteaching (3) pepe.meneu (4) jentropy (5) Choconancy1
a Five Card Flickr story by gg created Jun 15 2011, 06:45:33 pm. Create a new one!
It was a long night. Cold, too. We finally built a fire in an old grated barrel and warmed our hands. At one point we had to burn a few books. I felt bad. But a 1970-edition of Chemistry -- The Beginning burned well and, probably, was not an enormous loss.
In the morning we looked out over the incredible towers at the refinery. Nasty smell.
We then went to a local market and, when the owner was not looking, lifted a few vegetables. No money. Times are tough. I hope he forgies.
We ate in a beautiful atrium, climate controlled. Nice.
And later, when I woke from my nap, an annoying tourist snapped my pictur.
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