Five Card Story: Pedro's Movember

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a Five Card Flickr story by onepercentyellow and EBC English class created Nov 18 2011, 05:10:56 pm. Create a new one!

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about this story

Pedro was growing his mustache for Movember, but his girlfriend didn't like all that hair. Pedro decided to go to town to visit the barber for a shave. He went to his back yard and all he had to get to town was his old lego tricycle. He used to ride it when he was younger, but now it was too small. He decided to take the bus instead. While he was en route, he saw a lovely bunch of flowers so he stopped to pick some for his girlfriend. He knew she would be very happy because he had never bought her flowers before. On the walk home, Pedro wanted to remember the day, so he wrote on a rock and left it by the side of the road to remember his journey.

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