Five Card Story: World Wide Pussy Riot

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a Five Card Flickr story by @drgarcia & @giuliaforsythe created Aug 21 2012, 04:25:51 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) cogdogblog (2) @DrGarcia (3) @DrGarcia (4) @DrGarcia (5) KhrystieAnn

about this story

The oppressed Barbies wanted to escape. They were undecided whether take the Barbie RV, which in fact, had become quite dilapidated through the years. Or just pack up and buy a Euro Rail pass to visit their equally oppressed Northern European sisters in Bonn. Either way a liberation for all the women would rise up like a giant pussy riot. With their treatise under their arms they are prepared to meet up outside the Russian work camp where their punk comrades in arms wait to hear the cries of freedom, truth, art and frijoles! Que viva la revoluccion!

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flickr photo credits: (1) cogdogblog (2) @DrGarcia (3) @DrGarcia (4) @DrGarcia (5) KhrystieAnn

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