Five Card Story: The horror of the rubber duck

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a Five Card Flickr story by ReiSha created Mar 05 2013, 01:01:00 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) ted_major

about this story

You woke up in a strange room full of hotdogs. You were starving so you ate a hotdog. Suddenly you felt weird and turned in to a kitten. The rabbit started attacking you so you ran away to the tower of FOOD. You were very greedy person and ate all the FOOD. But the FOOD was poisonous. You SUDDENTLY turned in to a rubber duck floating in the pool. IT WAS CURSE BEING STUPID AND GREEDY.


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flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) ted_major

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