flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) Serenae
a Five Card Flickr story by Hey, I'm Grace. created May 10 2013, 06:11:30 pm. Create a new one!
A pitiful mewing noise awoke me from my clinging dream. I sighed, I could never remember what I dreamt. I lazily rolled over and the mewing stopped. "Mr. Whiskers!" I screamed in panic as I quickly got up. Poor Mr. Whiskers looked slightly squished, but he wobbly stood up again giving me the most ferocious glare a kitten could. I picked up the little piece of fluff and held him in my hands. Then I raised him up high and exclaimed proudly, "I name you SIMBA!" Mr. Whiskers looked very uncomfterable about the whole thing, and he fearfully looked down over my long fingers.
I brought him to my face and felt his warm fur rub up against my nose. "I'm sorry Whiskers," I whispered into his soft fur, "you belong on the ground, not the air." I carefully placed him on the bed, then I realized how crazy I must be. Really Jenessa, I thought to myself, I think you're going crazy talking to cat.
I collasped on the bed and stayed there until I heard the pitter patter of kitten feet leaving me. "No," I moaned, "Don't leave, I'll be there in a second." I don't think he heard me because he never came back.
Half an hour later, I stumbled into the kitchen to get the cat food. My kitten was completely ignoring me, obviously fed up with my procrastination."Tuna," I asked sleepily, "Or tuna?" Mr. whiskers growled. "Chicken it is," I replied. The wet food stunk as I put a slimy chunk on his kibble.
The cold tile floor reminded me I needed a shower, a burning, lava shower. It didn't seem to care that I wanted a normal shower, instead I was boiled alive like a lobster. As I stepped in, I braced myself.
Five minutes later I flung out of the shower, soaking wet and screaming profanities. After I dried off I gave the shower a stare of pure hatred. I had barely been able to shampoo my hair, let alone conditioner it! Just another day, I reminded myself wearily, just another day.
I stared into my massive closet in despair. There were way too many clothes, why did I buy so many clothes? I picked up a flowy purple shirt and threw it onto the bed. "No" I muttered, picking up another one and throwing it onto the bed too. By the time I was the done, there was a mountain of clothes behind me. All that was left in my bare closet was a dress. I didn't remember buying this, it must have been a long time ago. I slipped it on and admired myself in the full length mirror.
"Goodbye Mr. Whiskers," I called into the apartment as I strolled out the door onto the streets of gorgeous France. It was a bright grey and I sighed. I sighed a lot actually, I should change that. The long road I walked down was closed in by huge, ornate buildings that were absolutely breath-taking.
I turned the corner and found myself by a stone wall. It was beautifully spray painted, but in tiny sharpie someone had wrote, 'EAC SMITH IS SOMEWHAT NIFTY'. I threw my hands up in the air and said a loud, "What the f**** is that supposed to mean?" I didn't know who Eac Smith was, but why would you write that? It wasn't bad or good, it was just awkward. I always swore when I was happy confused about something.
I turned onto another street and found myself surrounded by street vendors. I reached for a weird metal container thing, but the vendor viciously slapped my hand away. "Owww," I muttered underneath my breath. He started yelling at me in very loud French, but I just happily skipped away to spite him.
As I walked down a whole different street, a boy yelled my name. I turned around, curious at who knew me. "Oh," I said, "It's just you." "Yeah, "He grinned, "Just me. Do you need a ride?" "Where to?" I asked. "Anywhere you want," He whispered into my ear, as he wrapped his muscular arms around my waist. I giggled and said, "Surprise me." "I was hoping you'd say that." He said, and he brought out a blindfold. "May I have the honours?" He asked holding out the bandana. I nodded, and he draped it over my eyes pulling it tight. He picked me up bride style and dropped in the seat of his pickup truck.
Two hours later, we arrived at a grassy field; I screeched in surprise. "I love you so much!" I said, hopping around like a bunny. I threw my shoes off, and dashed off.
What seemed like hours later we collasped on the lush ground.
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