flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) jjbirder (4) Intrepid Flame (5) DavidDMuir
a Five Card Flickr story by The Doctor created Jan 09 2014, 08:18:35 pm. Create a new one!
My dear Rose you are all I have, and I will never again leave you. I'm walking towards you not away. It may be distance, but your worth every second. You will see me soon as I swoop you up into my arms and never let you go. I miss the warmth in heart heart and you beautiful smile. Every second pasts and if I'm not with you my life would be no more. My hearts are for you and for only you. Just remember how much I love you. Rose Tyler you are all I need to survive. Once you see the tardis that means I'm here. What ever you do don't go anywhere because I will be there to hold and love you.
I'm The Doctor, The last of The Time Lords and Rose Tyler you are my Love.
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