flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) bionicteaching (3) Serenae (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching
a Five Card Flickr story by Alex J. created Apr 25 2014, 03:26:14 pm. Create a new one!
If you go on on a walk, swim, or anything else, you will see so many different things from this great world. Many people like to walk along the ocean beaches and through rocky caves on the coast. Quiet or peaceful places as such help you separate yourself from the rest of the world, momentarily of course. If you decide to take a step into the vast ocean and take a swim, you will see a whole new way of living. In the ocean, many things are not what you would expect them to be unless you have done this before. You can feel weightless and free. Ocean life such as fish, jellyfish, and whales can be found or they can find you. When you come back to the shore and enter a forest or prairie, you seem to be at one with the Earth. You feel joyous and fulfilled because of the nature surrounding you. Then when you enter the city or town that you came from, you wish to go back, and guess what, you know that you will.
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