Five Card Story: The Connoisseur of Comfort

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a Five Card Flickr story by Bennie Coffman created Oct 14 2014, 05:09:12 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) cathleen_nardi (2) mcorriga (3) Caven1921 (4) snakepliskens (5) tmobaird

about this story

My cat is known as The Connoisseur of Comfort as he lays down like a couch potato. His name is Lewis and he loves the movie Robin Hood, but he can't watch the movie cassette on his Playstation Three. So Lewis then freaks out attempting to bite off Ken's head. Lewis and Ken finally made up and he just smiled.

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flickr photo credits: (1) cathleen_nardi (2) mcorriga (3) Caven1921 (4) snakepliskens (5) tmobaird

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