Five Card Story: Xmas surprise

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a Five Card Flickr story by NZCEL Level 3 NorthTec created Oct 29 2014, 09:06:13 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Matrixia2013 (2) Caven1921 (3) karenandbrademerson (4) wwnorm (5) tmobaird

about this story

Xmas is coming, I had a holiday so I played with my dogs. It was a sunny day so I went to a park with my dogs to play some games. I saw the dog having fun. My dogs are ugly, but I still love them. I decorated the xmas tree with them at night. There was a big party for my family we had a big dinner and were very happy. I drew a picture of sheep and it looked like this.Sadly there was no power and I could not find my sheep. I can not see anything and I found my sheep when it was light again. I can not see the sheep, but I can see a dog. I think the dog ate the sheep. I cried...

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flickr photo credits: (1) Matrixia2013 (2) Caven1921 (3) karenandbrademerson (4) wwnorm (5) tmobaird

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