Five Card Story: The life of Shaquisha Wilson

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a Five Card Flickr story by Blake05 created Nov 24 2014, 08:10:36 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) cogdogblog (2) shauser (3) shareski (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

Once upon a time, Shaquisha Wilson was in class at her collage, Harvord University. that day, they were talking about the Colorado mountains. She wasn't paying attention to her instructor, and she got kicked out for the day. she then went to the subway and took a train home. When she got home, she was hungry so she went to Hannah's Pies. She got a large pie with pineapple and cheesy crust.She walked outside the restraunt and saw a white murder van, and she got shot out of the window.:( They had a funeral for her the day after and buried her. The End

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flickr photo credits: (1) cogdogblog (2) shauser (3) shareski (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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