Five Card Story: In Space

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a Five Card Flickr story by Ashley Uecker created Jan 06 2015, 06:18:47 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Astro Comfy (2) byzantiumbooks (3) gurpreet805 (4) saratmcd (5) leighwh

about this story

One day me and my best friend, Jackie, had a sleepover and fell asleep watching a movie on my laptop! She had a few friends herself! Her friends names were John Lesser and Sam Langer. We all had a slumberparty and we fell asleep drinking hot coffee. When we woke up we couldn't remember anything. All we could remeber was we all went swimming at Sams house on Chopwood Drive.Then I remember we all took a hike to this really cool baby tree! Then we looked out the wiindow and we wee in space. We lived the rest of our lives in the galaxy!

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flickr photo credits: (1) Astro Comfy (2) byzantiumbooks (3) gurpreet805 (4) saratmcd (5) leighwh

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