Five Card Story: The House

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a Five Card Flickr story by R504-11 created Mar 12 2015, 05:05:17 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) dwtno (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) Serenae

about this story

Pic1-I woke up lying on the ground of a icey cold floor , i gazed up at the ceiling i saw brick walls.

Pic2- As I approached the stairs I heard a click and then suddenly the lights turned on.

Pic3-When I got out of the house I saw sunlight a few meters away i saw a wrecked car, the car itself was damaged so badly it should of even the colour was coming off.

Pic4-As I approched the house I sudennly noticed that on the ground I saw a picture that had six hands on it and right next to it was a little door that was completely dark inside.
Pic5-So then i decided to go in the dark room.

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flickr photo credits: (1) dwtno (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) Serenae

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