Five Card Story: mystery

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a Five Card Flickr story by nathan created Jan 20 2017, 03:15:48 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) krutscjo (4) jentropy (5) bionicteaching

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i was on my way to my friends house, i was stuck in traffic. i finaly started to move and the guy infront of my was throughing bread out his window. i though to myself; what the heck is this guy doing, so i followed him for 20 minutes to ask why he was throwing out good bread. i followed him all the way to his house. his house was on a nice open field. he had a huge anitque clock right infront of his house, it was pretty cool. i got out of my car and asked him why he was throughing bread out of his window he wasn not answering me, so i kept asking he still wasnt answering. i looked over to my right and i saw a black window with red stuff around it, then i saw a hand hit it and leave a trail of red stuff on the inside the window. i was so freaked out i got in my car and drove off to my friends.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) krutscjo (4) jentropy (5) bionicteaching

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