Five Card Story: HI Daddy

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a Five Card Flickr story by TINAYU created Mar 14 2018, 05:20:45 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) Rachel Smith (4) dwtno (5) bionicteaching

about this story

小男孩算著日子一天天過去,他等待爸爸回家那天,太陽出來了,太陽又下刪了,日復一日。媽媽說他和爸爸因為工作的關係暫時分開了,小男孩不相信,決定出城要與爸爸相見,於是聰明的他從爸爸寄來寄到家裡的信件地址,決定去爸爸外地的家。過程中他迷路了,於是打給警察局,希望警察叔叔幫助她找到爸爸。警察叔叔依據信中的地址送小男孩抵達。到了,警察叔叔說:要陪你下車嗎? 小男孩看到門前的花,是爸爸以前在前院種的花,小男孩說:不用了謝謝,我確定他是我爸爸。於是小男孩還存在一絲絲的緊張地按下門鈴。叮咚~叮咚
有人來應門了,門開了。小男孩慢慢抬頭。說了一聲:hi daddy,i miss u so so much>

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) Rachel Smith (4) dwtno (5) bionicteaching

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