flickr photo credits: (1) lesliemb (2) Serenae (3) krutscjo (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching
a Five Card Flickr story by Deanna J. Soto created Oct 31 2019, 03:32:44 pm. Create a new one!
Many children hate being outside and getting dirty. They no longer understand the importance of architecture nor appreciate the unique beauty and history it stands for. All they are interested in are iPad's and laptops. They don't recognize the art that surrounds them daily. Even the earth is art, yet how can they recognize that if they aren't outside to enjoy it. For example, it is important that they understand why we need to keep the ocean clean and how to do it. How? Well, if they are playing in the sand and having fun, they will learn to see the world as their home.
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