Five Card Story: back on the offensive side

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a Five Card Flickr story by cheese123 created Apr 02 2009, 05:52:21 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) D'Arcy Norman (2) nessman (3) tuchodi (4) lesliemb (5) jentropy

about this story

dixxon, it is sad how you spend all your time in the marching band, to try to get in the groove for rock band. then after getting drunk, you and your retarded friends decide to eat a great big poop pie. when you finally get to sit down, the poop-loving aliens abduct you.
Ho...Ho...Ho... TAKE THAT!!!!!!

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flickr photo credits: (1) D'Arcy Norman (2) nessman (3) tuchodi (4) lesliemb (5) jentropy

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