Five Card Story: Over coming abuse.

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a Five Card Flickr story by MaKayla Johnson created Mar 02 2020, 03:45:35 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) kibaga (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

about this story

Some, kids often live very different lives. You have some that have a amazing lifestyle and others that are being neglected or abandoned. While your getting mistreated and abuse you attend to leave home at a young age and provide for yourself while being on the streets. When your on the streets you began getting involved with the wrong crowd and start doing mischievous things. Of course, you start to fall deep and deeper into depression and start thinking of suicide or how life would have been easier, if you had a role model or influence by good people. Then, you soon realize it's time to clean up and get your life back on track and get a actual job. Now, you have a job, a house, a car, and a beautiful family that has your back.

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flickr photo credits: (1) kibaga (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

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