Five Card Story: S L I P R A K E

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a Five Card Flickr story by E T H A N T H E H U N G R Y H I P P O created Sep 28 2020, 03:26:54 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

I was typing away at my computer, working
just like a light bulb flickering quickly
in the cafe.
The cafe was smooth and light but not clean.
After an hour I decided to leave the dusty scenario of the cafe and go forth into the dark pits of the forest with a glimpse of light to go home.
The trees were crooked and frowning in the dark until it became daylight
I walked in the dark forest and saw a mysterious figure
that looked like a pig with a cow on top of it.
I knew that thing was called the Sliprake he is a robot.
Each part of his robot body is a rusted looking chocolate colored endoskeleton.
I greeted him. He greeted me back. We knew each other.
He still smelled like that old rusty piece of fading iron it was a strong scent, yet he had a kind smile on his face. We walked away and over to my home
We watched the time go by and watch the stars when we got to my home and then he disappeared into the dark mysteriously with a horrible stench looking for scraps.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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