Five Card Story: The best day

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a Five Card Flickr story by Karyna created Nov 07 2020, 08:01:11 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) bgblogging (3) Danny Nicholson (4) Serenae (5) Serenae

about this story

The same 2012, which was supposed to be the last for humanity, but we still had time to live — one day. Today the 20-th of december, because 21 will be the last day. Nobody thought about learning. The teachers kept reminding us of the tests in December, and we said, "What tests? The end of humanity, there will be nothing, the earth will burn!" The next day I wake and the soft pink fabric of my blankets. I hear a soft growl next to me. I turn and see my pet tiger, Brabus (his name is like my kitty). He may look like a vicious mean tiger but really he is a coward.I get out of bed and slip on shorts and a T-shirt. The Autumn breeze blows my wavy hair around. I walk out side my hut and to find berrys while the season lasts. Brabus follows me. I look up at the open sky and see a signal Autumn leaf falling through the wind. Brabus and I continue to walk and the rain forest. We try to stay on the path but I want to explore the rain forest as much as I can before winter.In a few months I can picture foggy mountines covered in snow.
This is how I imagined my future after the death of humanity, but fortunately my morning did not seem so interesting, but still on the same planet and with the same cat that should be a tiger.

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flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) bgblogging (3) Danny Nicholson (4) Serenae (5) Serenae

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