Five Card Story: Cracking Down on Drunk Driving

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a Five Card Flickr story by Jeremiah Garcia created Sep 21 2021, 12:09:17 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

Introduction (Pic 1): Drunk drivers should not only lose there driving privileges upon first offense, but they should also be sent to jail on a felony charge.
(Pic 2): Drunk drivers are also harmful to themselves, as there brain is slowed down from the use of alcohol in the form of a depressant.

(Pic 3):
In fact. according to national statistics Drunk driving accidents are 4.5 times more likely at night then any other timespan.

(Pic 4 Counter Argument):
Although many intoxicated drunk drivers lose their driving privilege's upon first offense, having the opportunity to walk away from being sent to jail on a felony charge shouldn't be a consequence. After all, it doesn't stop people from gambling making drunk choices.

(Pic 5 conclusion): Driving drunk does not help anyone's situation, it just makes matters worst potentially causing license suspensions, DUI'S, reckless driving offences and possible jail time. It is important that people make smart and logical decisions to decrease the amount of drunk driving cases. Ultimately, the goal is to set examples for the younger generation so that they can avoid making bad choices.

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