Five Card Story: YOUR MY HOME

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a ds106 story by STEPHANIE BAL created Oct 09 2021, 12:03:06 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) paulhami (2) ravnclaw89 (3) paulhami (4) paulhami (5) leighblackall

about this story

I was so bless with my family and friends. My family is
wonderful. And its funny because, most of them was like an
angel to me. Their always beside me when ever I need them. I
always feel I'm so important to them. Because the way they
treat me. even in my hardest days I can lean on them. When
ever I'm with them all of the pain and tiredness I feel,
always disappears and replace it all with joy and love. All
the sadness and tears in my eyes disappear because of them.
That's why I call them my home.

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flickr photo credits: (1) paulhami (2) ravnclaw89 (3) paulhami (4) paulhami (5) leighblackall

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