Five Card Story: Beautiful Disaster

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a Five Card Flickr story by Janet Joy Vargas created Oct 22 2021, 06:49:29 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) dwtno (4) dwtno (5) bionicteaching

about this story

As Guilbert Ryle philosophy "I act, therefore I am. In life we can encounter a lot of people with a different personalities. And there's a time that we can interact with them. And makes us do whatever we want. And the self is what we behave. In the pictures the one who are eating in the table, have a proper table manner. In my experienced in life being with the people who are you comfortable with. You can do whatever as long as you're comfortable. No judgement.and the second Image was a building filled with a grass. Its like my personality even I have many struggles in life, I can turn my problems into a opportunity that can help me to grow as a person. In the third image I can see the light, even the darkest day of my life, this is not the end. In philosophy of Ryle the self is what we behave so as long as you're doing your best in life. You can always find the light in the dark times.and the forth also. The fifth picture even you surround of dark or the problems you had. You can have a light by the lord. Just keep praying and believe to yourself. Even the sunset can leave you, when the dark comes, but its up to you how you can handle it. And tomorrow there's a new beginning.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) dwtno (4) dwtno (5) bionicteaching

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