Five Card Story: The Dark Tower 8

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a Five Card Flickr story by JW created Nov 04 2021, 11:50:16 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Danny Nicholson (5) bionicteaching

about this story

Jake walked down Broadway, his pet (dog?) Oy's feet clicking along the sidewalk at his heel. This seemed oddly familiar to him, but he couldn't quite place it. His big brother Eddie peddled up in a tiny red bike.

"Eddie, have you forgotten the face of your father? What is that thing?"
Eddie regarded Jake with a lopsided grin, "It's your chariot into Midworld."

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Danny Nicholson (5) bionicteaching

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