Five Card Story: Curiosity kills the cat

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a Five Card Flickr story by Sasha created Nov 28 2022, 04:04:17 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) Serenae (3) Serenae (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

"Hurry up slow pokes! I think this is it!" Josh called out to the rest of us. "Jake, grab the torch," Ben added. "Shine it right there..." I did as I was told. A bright white patch of light appeared on the ground as I switched on the torch. I pointed it to where Ben was pointing, and saw a small, rustic window grill wedged in between some rocks. "Do you thunk this is the entrance?" I asked. "Of course it is! It has to be. Let's head inside." Josh replied proudly. We quickly cut a hole through the window and climbed inside. It was late at night, the surroundings were pitch black. However, my friends and I would never miss a chance to sneak out into dangerous areas. We leaned close to each other and inched through a long under ground corridor.The air was stuffy and smelled like smoke, our footsteps echoed into the distance. "Wait, stop! Did any of you hear that?" I yelled out. I swore I heard a faint sound coming from behind us... We all froze in terror. The sound came again, along with a trail of footsteps. I could tell that Josh and Ben heard it too. We did not risk a minute and all started running forward. Soon, we heard it chasing after us. Beads of sweat dotted our forehead as we dashed in the speed of light. The tunnel soon led us to an open road surrounded by trees. We took no chance of stopping to rest and continued running away. After a while, we came across a small hut and went inside, hoping to get some rest and to hide. "What was that? Are we safe here? Where are we?!" Josh was panting as he blurted out a million questions. "I don''t know... we' will have to lay low here..." My voice trailed of once I heard a loud banging on the door, followed by the shattering of windows...

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flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) Serenae (3) Serenae (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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