Five Card Story: Where did all the Children go?

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a Five Card Flickr story by Tara Davison created Jun 08 2023, 06:53:49 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

It had been three years since any children had been sighted in the city of Aurondon. All of the news media outlets had moved on to other sensational stories that would capture people's attention. All except Vania. A reporter for the local news station, Vania had a special interest in this story. Her three daughters had vanished three years ago, along with the other children of Aurondon. Just poof, gone! This was the same story Vania had heard from other parents around the city. Children playing at the park or in the street and then, nothing; just silence.
For the first few months after their disappearance, the local police investigated stories of children being sighted in the woods near Aurodon. Their search came up empty handed every time.
Until two days ago. Vania heard a call on the police scanner in the news room that called officers to a secluded area of the woods, where there was an abandoned mine shaft. She knew the place, so decided to go investigate herself. When she got to the spot, she could not believe her eyes. In front of Vania was an arch made of stone. Vania had lived in Aurodon her entire life and had combed these woods for a year after her daughters had disappeared. This structure had NOT been there before. What was more chilling, were the words carved in the arch, "Let us go".

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