Five Card Story: 2023

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a Five Card Flickr story by L. K. Draper created Jun 18 2023, 05:34:08 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

about this story

If I could spend every Saturday walking in and out of stores that looked like Photo #1, my world would be complete. Most times, these stores are located in the "downtown" of an area, but they also are often filled with unique and one of kind items which I love. In some cases, the products are unique to the area or town and for some reason, I enjoy stores that share their story or history in the form items, and sometimes the store itself is history and has its own story.

Photo #2 is a reminder that I'll be okay. In 2022, my mom died and for months, I was not okay. It's been a year, and while there are days I feel like sh*t, I still manage to move forward because I'll be O.K. There are dozens of people who have surrounded me to ensure that I keep moving and serve as a reminder that I'll be O.K.
I love to laugh, and at times am quite the comic myself.

Photo #3, social media commentary, is by far one of my biggest sources of entertainment. People are FUNNY! And I live for the comments; however, I never make any of my own.

Photo #4 reminds me to let the light shine on me. I've been humble for far too long, and I'm now just beginning to give myself permission to cast light upon myself and my future.

I love flowers! Photo #5 reminds me of my own yard, lots of green but void of the colorful flowers that I desire. The reason being is that I still haven't made the time to study my own yard, the ground/dirt, and decide what flowers will thrive. Instead, I buy these expensive planters with all types of blooms, that are dead in a month and repeat this process all Spring/Summer. Amber B. says she will help me, now I just need to make time for the help!

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

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