Five Card Story: 1-3-4-1-1

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a Five Card Flickr story by Mark D Meadows created Jun 19 2023, 02:18:15 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) dwtno

about this story

This story was created by using to select five numbers from 1-5 and then from each set of images I selected the image corresponding to the random number.

Then I asked ChatGPT to "write a story about tacky christmas lights, corinthian columns, a snake on a rock, a factory, and a cook in a diner"

Here is what it wrote:
Once upon a time in a small town called Evergreen Hills, the residents eagerly awaited the arrival of the Christmas season. It was a place known for its vibrant holiday spirit and unique traditions. However, this year, something unusual was about to happen that would forever change the way they celebrated.

In the heart of the town stood a magnificent factory that was known for its production of eccentric Christmas decorations. The factory owner, Mr. Wallace, was known for his flamboyant taste and love for all things tacky. Every year, he would create the most outlandish and colorful Christmas lights that adorned the houses and streets of Evergreen Hills.

This year, Mr. Wallace decided to take his Christmas decoration game to a whole new level. He had acquired a collection of Corinthian columns, the grand architectural structures found in ancient Greek temples. Determined to incorporate them into his designs, he placed the columns amidst the factory's assembly lines and instructed his workers to wrap them in vibrant lights.

Meanwhile, in a cozy diner located just down the street from the factory, worked a humble cook named Sarah. She had always been fascinated by the bizarre creations coming out of Mr. Wallace's factory. As she prepared meals for the locals, she couldn't help but wonder about the extravagant Christmas lights that would soon illuminate the town.

One evening, as Sarah was taking a break outside the diner, she noticed a peculiar sight nearby. A snake slithered onto a nearby rock, its scales shimmering in the moonlight. Curiosity got the better of her, and she approached the snake cautiously. To her surprise, the snake spoke!

"Dear Sarah," the snake hissed, "I have been watching your fascination with Mr. Wallace's factory. If you truly wish to experience something extraordinary this Christmas, follow the path of the tacky lights."

Sarah was taken aback by the snake's sudden ability to communicate. Intrigued by the promise of an extraordinary experience, she decided to heed the snake's advice. The next day, she visited Mr. Wallace's factory, filled with anticipation and wonder.

Upon arriving, Sarah was greeted by a surreal spectacle. The Corinthian columns were now covered in a mesmerizing array of twinkling lights. The factory itself seemed to have transformed into a fantastical wonderland, with giant candy canes, towering nutcrackers, and even a life-sized gingerbread house.

As she explored the magical scene, Sarah stumbled upon Mr. Wallace, who was surveying his creation with pride. She approached him and asked about the inspiration behind the extraordinary display.

"Sarah, my dear," Mr. Wallace said, "I wanted to create a Christmas experience like no other. These tacky lights and whimsical decorations bring joy to people's hearts. The Corinthian columns, once symbols of ancient beauty, now represent the harmony of the past and present."

Sarah was amazed by Mr. Wallace's artistic vision and his ability to transform something ordinary into something extraordinary. Inspired by his passion, she returned to her diner, determined to infuse her cooking with the same spirit.

On Christmas Eve, the entire town gathered to admire the spectacle created by Mr. Wallace's tacky lights and unique decorations. Sarah had prepared a feast for the community, incorporating the magic she had witnessed in the factory. The diner was adorned with lights of all colors, and the aroma of delicious food filled the air.

As the night unfolded, the residents of Evergreen Hills realized that it wasn't just the extravagant display of lights that made the evening special. It was the sense of community, the shared joy, and the belief in the power of transforming the ordinary into something extraordinary that made that Christmas a truly memorable one.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) dwtno

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