Five Card Story: I Really know What Happened At Camp Magic MacGuffin

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a Five Card Flickr story by The Crew That Showed up in ds106 Lab created Feb 01 2013, 02:33:38 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) andessurvivor (2) Floiyann (3) studebakerhawk_14611 (4) giulia.forsythe (5) karenandbrademerson

about this story

Green Minecraft Creeper
Hovering around the camp
Ready For michief.

Norm stole a pumkin the the kitchen. And he slipped and dropped it in a pile of mud.

He hates it when that happens.

Marth and and Alan camr running. But they vanished.

GNA would have helped but he battery was dead and she fell asleep.

Night night.

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flickr photo credits: (1) andessurvivor (2) Floiyann (3) studebakerhawk_14611 (4) giulia.forsythe (5) karenandbrademerson

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