Five Card Story: My Day in New York City

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a Five Card Flickr story by Kayla Barron created Nov 03 2010, 06:33:51 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) jjbirder (2) auilix (3) hummingcrow (4) D'Arcy Norman (5) Serenae

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I woke up to a lovely breakfast with orange juice and coffee made my boyfriend in our lovely, new loft in New York City. This was our first night in the city and our cat was not quite sure what to think about all the noises and everything that was happening. We decided to bring her out and explore the city ourselves. It was Christmastime in the city so there were many sites to see. There was even a man hidden in a Christmas tree. We continued walking for awhile, got chilly, and decided to stop into a coffee shop. There was a few guys from the city playing music. It was enjoyable to listen to live music as we sipped on our coffee. As we walked home, we were very excited about our new lives, the big city, the alleyways with their interesting shadows and everything that was to come.

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flickr photo credits: (1) jjbirder (2) auilix (3) hummingcrow (4) D'Arcy Norman (5) Serenae

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