flickr photo credits: (1) lnboz (2) krutscjo (3) DavidDMuir (4) bionicteaching (5) krutscjo
a Five Card Flickr story by tino created Jan 25 2010, 03:20:27 pm. Create a new one!
It was a snowy and very cold day. I just didn't want to get up, and leave the confortability and warming of my bed but I just did it..
I was in my job, in London. I work as a cleaner in a lawyer's company. Was on my way to the utility room when i just found a laptop in the trash!! It was in good shape, and there was a message on the screen, "user: its yours.."
I Didn't want to make questions, so I just took it! XD
I was checking my e-mail on it when I noticed I had won a nice holiday trip..
The week after I passed from my awfull job to an amazing relax house.. What a luck!!
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