Five Card Story: Studying back to studying

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a ds106 story by samiamumw created Feb 08 2011, 06:47:47 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) caught in hustle (2) snakepliskens (3) nagahamaa (4) paulhami (5) Ashley G. =^-^=

about this story

I had a lot of homework to do so I started reading my textbooks (picture 1). Two hours later I was still reading my textbooks (picture2). My dog was very upset with me for spending the whole morning with my face in books (picture 3). He kindly reminded me that I promised to take him to petsmart and buy him a new toy today. So I stopped doing homework and we got in the car and went to petsmart (picture 4). He picked out a really noisy, squeaky toy. Now I'm back at home studying again and trying to concentrate with my dog squeaking his new toy constantly (picture 5).

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flickr photo credits: (1) caught in hustle (2) snakepliskens (3) nagahamaa (4) paulhami (5) Ashley G. =^-^=

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