flickr photo credits: (1) Serenae (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) Intrepidteacher
a Five Card Flickr story by liam the beast created May 27 2013, 02:34:52 pm. Create a new one!
There once was a place so overgrown with veagtation and flowers that it would seem it never resembled what it once was. It was a barn made of wood standing tall in the breeze which had stood there so long that time had even forgotten it.The only inhabitants of this forgotten storehouse was a solitary spidar sitting in the courner of an arch way swinging in the breeze.Surronding this mystical place was a metal fence rusted and broken from years of whithstanding the elements about to fall down on itself at any moment.Inside this elasped place was a kitchen holding things from a time before time forgot. In the end it was not a fire or tornado that took the barn down but time itself that made it fall down.
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