flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) hummingcrow (4) Serenae (5) Serenae
a Five Card Flickr story by MY_NAME_IS_PSYCH_N_E_D created Aug 09 2013, 12:19:20 am. Create a new one!
Once upon a time there was a humoungus snake he was one of the snakes of medusas but was dropped and now he has been eating and destroying anything in his path. One day a man
named culiman Shouted "I will destroy you snake" he asked the ancient one to approve if he can go to the forest and kill the snake the ancient whispered "nown i cant let u the snake is too dangerous and you might die" but he did and he secretly went in through the forest. Walking through the vegetation he heard a hiss sound
Bam the snake came flying through the air like a bird Boom
the ground shakes like an earth quake. The man was a cheetah running for its prey he grabbed his sword and stabbed many times but the scales were too hard to penertrate through. It was the snakes turn with one smack
the snake squished culiman like he was bug,Culiman had died
and the snake kept destroying more items.
the end
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