Five Card Story: For Adam

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a Five Card Flickr story by Kristopher created Apr 27 2015, 06:01:44 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) lesliemb

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Emery stretched, and looked at his alarm clock. 9:30 am. He was late for school. No sooner had he thought it, as the memories of the previous day rushed back to him.

Deciding he'd rather not think about it, he trudged downstairs. He saw his father sitting by his laptop staring into the distance. Deciding it was better not to say anything, he pulled on his jacket and walked outside. The spring rain and morning dew rested on the flowers, leaving them all looking worn down.

He walked down the leaf strewn path of the forest and down to the beach. Emery, and looked around. The dock was the only manmade structure to be seen, except for a house on a distant island that could be barely seen. He sighed. Looking inwards for the solution to his heartache.

An image of his five year old self came to mind, recalling the water parks and picnics of his childhood. The coloured t-shirts and stuffed animals. And most of all, Adam. The innocence from that time had, ten years later, completely, disappeared. Ten years later, he'd lost all of it.

More memories came rushing back to him, as though he'd turned on a faucet.

Strolls through the sun and pizza for lunch had turned into school doors and essays. Maybe it wouldn't have felt so awful, if he still had Adam.

Memories of his childhood best, and only, friend. He didn't like to remember, that only hurt more. He wished he could say that he didn't understand. That he had no idea why his friend would choose to take his own life. But he knew.

He had seem Adam's pain as he was humiliated by teachers and students alike every day at school. Seen his pain as his father yelled at him and mother turned away. Seen his pain as he wrestled with himself to be something he's not. Part of Emery wanted to join Adam, to take a leap off a high place and be done with the world. But the part of him that was stronger knew he had to stay, if not for himself for Adam.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) lesliemb

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