Five Card Story: A Day at the Park

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a Five Card Flickr story by Jessie Duncan created Sep 11 2015, 03:23:04 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) Henriksent (2) Henriksent (3) mrsdkrebs (4) mrsdkrebs (5) Henriksent

about this story

One day, a mother took her child to the park. She wanted to surprise him with the new gift she was going to give him, so when they got to he park she yelled, "Parker i have a gift for you", the by ran fast back to his mom as she pulled out he brand new scooter. The boys face lit up with excitement. He took the scooter and rode to see the riverfront. The mother and her child were pretty exhausted, so they went to McDonald's to get some refreshments, the mother also bought some macarons. The mother saw it was getting late so they put the scooter back into the car and went home.

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flickr photo credits: (1) Henriksent (2) Henriksent (3) mrsdkrebs (4) mrsdkrebs (5) Henriksent

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