Five Card Story: A Story Of Paranoia

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a Five Card Flickr story by Psymon created Mar 06 2016, 04:49:01 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

A graffiti artist has finished his latest work on a patch of abandoned blue wall by the railroad tracks. Having crossed 4 NO TRESPASSING signs along the way he begins to feel like he was being watched by someone during the work and begins to get paranoid. On his way home he notices cameras and mirrors, watching his every move. He begins to get paranoid, and give into a sense of quickened pulse and tunnelvison. He begins to wonder what else has been filmed, and who is watching him. The artist retreats to his room a changed man, now forever worried about being watched he begins watching and editing himself, the drive to not be captured and to remain anonymous follows him until his death.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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