flickr photo credits: (1) dwtno (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) dwtno
a Five Card Flickr story by Emma nunez created Dec 01 2018, 09:01:06 pm. Create a new one!
it started off as a beautyful day the sun was shining not a cloud in the sky 1 hour later we herd it a tornatio siyron so we all evacuated when we lft it was raining like the sky was falling and it started hailing the storm cepped getting stronger and then we say it when we all looked to our left the toratio was right there fanily we were able to go back home but there was alot of damage wnd we lost over 14 lives during it 2 years whent by and everything was perfect the sun was shining again and the birds were churping fanily night fell and every thing was just the way it was befor the horrible tornatio.
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