Five Card Story: Scrat's Blessed Acorn

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a Five Card Flickr story by LH created Feb 24 2020, 05:29:05 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) krutscjo (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) cogdogblog

about this story

Scrat the Squirrel wouldn't call himself picky, but when it comes to the perfect acorn, there is only one for him. Whenever Scrat searches, it seems like the most difficult task he's had to perform. However, this time, Scrat believes he has it. The only acorn Scrat deems worthy of his love will soon be in his possession. Scrat knows for /sure/ because his instincts are telling him.

As Scrat follows where he believes leads to the acorn, he reaches what he feels is the looming presence of a wired fence. Climbing these weren't always the /easiest/ tasks for Scrat, but when he needs his acorn, he /will/ obtain it. Scrat climbs each heavy wire with all of his strength, knowing that getting the acorn must be set in stone. As Scrat climbs to the top of the fence, he notices a sidewalk.

Scrat may not be fully educated on human activity, but he's seen these many times. Scrat zooms past all of the walking humans, making their way to wherever they needed to go. Scrat doesn't have time to think about these humans, however, he has better things to do.

At the end of the sidewalk, Scrat notices that the land is slowly becoming of another human's property. Scrat decides to continue. Scrat climbs above the fence and around the farm. Once Scrat notices the horses, he knows he's getting close. Very close.

Scrat approaches the end of the farm, where a forest seemed to be. The acorn was there. /Right there/. Scrat observed the rocky steps in front of him. It seemed so ethereal. So divine. He climbed each sunbathed step with his tiny paws, and finally, the top step. Scrat did it. Scrat found the acorn!

Then, out of the corner of his eye, Scrat watched another fellow squirrel pounce and steal the acorn out of his paws.


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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) krutscjo (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) cogdogblog

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