Five Card Story: Down in Smoke

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a Five Card Flickr story by Isabel Silva created Sep 24 2020, 01:09:05 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) cogdogblog (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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(1) Smoking cigarettes is becoming a popular trend again due to easily accessible vaping. We are allowing another generation to fall through the traps of tobacco and nicotine. As a nation, we need to dedicate more time and educational means to warn people of the various dangers that come with cigarette use.
(2) There are a plethora of different ways to educate society on the dangers of cigarettes. There could be government funded classes provided at Recreation Centers or Town Halls for all people and ages to learn about the dangers of use. We could take more time in high schools and colleges to provide useful information on the use of cigarettes, rather than one hour crash courses. Informing the younger audiences on the mortality rates and long term effects would certainly influence their judgement.
(3) If we halt or just barely 'maintain' the education provided on the dangers of cigarette use, one generation will wipe out half a century of work to stop cigarette use. With the way the world is going, if people keep smoking, surviving cigarette smoking will come down to the luck of the draw.
(4)However, there is evidence shown that some people continue smoking cigarettes to avoid other major health risks. As an appetite suppressant, many people smoke to maintain their weight, or to avoid the risk of reaching obesity. Others use cigarettes to wean off alcohol, opiates, or any other kinds of illegal substances. There are also various accounts of cigarettes being helpful in stressful times or situations to reground a person. Like the Bible says, "the one without sin, cast the first stone"; we all have our methods of escaping reality and feelings. Cigarettes happen to be a form of this escapism, we are not perfect and should not judge.
(5) Overall, cigarette use is a dark tunnel with no light at the end to guide it. It is important to educate our youth through classes and other exposures, to understand the life-long effects and dangers smoking can cause. With more time and funding put into proactive, accessible, and updated education for all people, we can save another generation from dying of a smoking related illness.

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