Five Card Story: Trip to California

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a Five Card Flickr story by Edan S created Aug 18 2021, 03:16:51 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) cogdogblog (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) shareski

about this story

Over the summer I took a trip to California. I went to San Diego and San Francisco. I did a lot of relaxing at the beach in San Diego with my dog Trevor. I loved watching him roll around and run from the waves. We later went around the city, and I saw many interesting works of art such as this tall metal sculpture of rectangular poles sticking out of the ground. While we were looking around Trevor chased a squirrel out in front of a bus and stopped just before getting hit but the squirrel had died, and i felt that it needed to be buried so i went to the cemetery with trevor, and he had already known what had happened, and he started digging a hole with his paws which i would put the squirrel in. Although it was a mournful afternoon we had to pack up and drive to San Francisco where we would be meeting some of my old friends. Trevor and I got to San Francisco a little early so we decided to look around the city for awhile since it had been awhile since i was last there. We found an old garden that my favorite neighbor tended to and it reminded me of the sweet smells of cinnamon and apples over the summer that would spread through our street from when she would make apple pie. In the garden I saw some new flowers that she had planted, and it reminded me of my past. We met up with my friends later at the golden gate bridge, I told them about the events of the squirrel running out into the street, and how Trevor was almost killed, and how we went to my neighbors house, and could remember the sweet aromas coming from her kitchen, and how it had been a nice relaxing trip besides the close sense of death.

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flickr photo credits: (1) cogdogblog (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) shareski

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