Five Card Story: Spinach

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a Five Card Flickr story by Oni Igiede created Mar 23 2023, 01:29:02 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

about this story

There was a young girl who was like any other that age. She didn't like vegetables, she was a troublemaker and always wanted her way. Her parents just wanted the best for her but let her get a bit spoiled.

However, her parents started to worry when her other traits and vitamins were diminishing. Something that shouldn't be happening to a growing girl. The parents wanted to make a change and what better than to start with a delicious spinach stew.

The girl hates it. She thought it looked like slime and honestly, poisonous. She believed she was perfectly fine and that her parents were the ones in the wrong. All she did was become defensive and then lay in her bed with her eyes tightly shut. The girl didn’t care about what anyone else thought. All she wished was for some peace and quiet, when no one would bother her anymore.
The girl wakes up to the sun shining through the windows onto her face. It was surprising not waking up to  the morning birds chirping but she shrugged it off. She heads downstairs rubbing her eye and notices that the house is empty, her parents are gone. Her spinach stew still sat on top of the table but she ignored and decided to grab a bag of candy instead. She started having a blast all around the house, having the most fun she could. Then she skipped outside and frolicked. It would be the first time she was out without her parents permission but she was livid. She picked some flowers, skipped, and of course snacked on lots of candy.
However, the sky looked more ominous than ever, it didn’t change its gray color. Matter of fact, the girl started to realize how off everything was especially since she was the only person outside. The neighborhood was silent, not even an insect in sight. She didn’t want to panic so she decided to walk around and investigate. It’s like everything stopped, the schools were empty and all the cars were parked randomly. She decided to go back to her house and sit on the couch fidgeting. Everyone is gone.
It was finally peace and quiet. I guess no one really is around to bother her anymore. But why fret, she got her wish. Weirdly through it all, she looked up and stared at the thing that has been on the table this whole time, that spinach stew. 

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) Serenae (5) bionicteaching

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