Five Card Story: Toby's Adventures

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a Five Card Flickr story by Brig created Apr 06 2023, 04:07:24 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) jentropy (4) bionicteaching (5) cogdogblog

about this story

1. Jot down one word that you associate with each image.

2. Identify a song that comes to mind for one or more of the images.
Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day. I am not really sure why this song comes to my mind, but with the lonely brick alleyway and the abandoned house, it seems to be sort of a broken boulevard.

Describe what all the images have in common.
They are all outdoors. Some are human-made object like the bricks and house, while the rest are natural. All 4 seasons are also represented.

Create a short story about the images using the words that you associated with each image.
There once was a dog named Toby. Tobey loved to run around in the fall leaves and the winter snow. However, one Spring, right as the trees were beginning to blossom, Toby decided to get adventurous. He began to wander down the dirt road away from his country home. His wanderings took him farther and farther away. The next thing Toby knew, he was in an unfamiliar place. He saw bricks, a cement sidewalk, and lampposts. He wasn't sure where he was. Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice! It was his family. They came looking for him when they noticed he was gone. They loaded him into their car and took him home to safety and security.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) bionicteaching (3) jentropy (4) bionicteaching (5) cogdogblog

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