Five Card Story: The Show Must Go On

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a Five Card Flickr story by Leah Wiedenhoft created Jun 13 2023, 12:41:50 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) shareski (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) lesliemb

about this story

There is no doubt that the life of an administrator is busy, busy, busy. Upon reaching the end of what seemed to be the never-ending school year, I decided to combine business with leisure by presenting at a professional conference in Europe.

On my first day of summer break, I packed up my bags, hopped on a flight, and off to Europe I went. When the cab pulled up to my lavish hotel, I was equally jet-lagged and excited; well, until I realized I'de left my carry-on bag in the overhead compartment. Oh maannn - the fog of the school year had yet to dissipate, and I made a rookie traveling mistake! My phone, my necessities, EVERYTHING I needed to get my life together was in that bag.

I looked around, and I happened to see an old-school payphone. Fingers crossed I could use the phone to call my mom and ask her to put some calls to the airline so they could try to recover my bag. Digging through my pockets and luggage compartments, I somehow gathered enough change to make my international call. Thankfully, my mom answered, and she committed to trying to find my bag. We agreed it was a long shot, but with a prayer and some begging, we thought maybe we'd be on the receiving end of a miracle.

Across from the hotel was a church, and you better believe I hauled my tail over to the first pew and said a loud and devout prayer for God to send my bag right on back to me. "Lord, please hear my prayer."

I knew I needed to eat. I mean, what else could I do with no phone, no ID, and no place to rest my weary soul?!? I remembered I had stuffed a twenty dollar bill in my back pocket prior to leaving; you know, just in case I needed cash for something. Thank heavens for that foresight because I was able to visit Amuse Restaurant for food and a glass of wine to help take off the edge.

When I left the restaurant, my only plan was to head to the concierge desk at the hotel and hope to goodness they let me check in without my ID. Imagine my complete surprise when I got to the desk, and the hotel clerk shared that my carry-on bag had arrived before me. The kind woman said that another guest turned in my bag when they checked in. My bag's guardian angel, the unknown passenger, must have searched my bag after exiting the airplane and when they realized we were staying at the same hotel, they brought it with them. OMG! Kind people still exist in this world.

Needless to say, relief washed over me. I went to my room, got a great night of sleep, and woke up the next morning with a desire to knock the socks off of the folks in my professional learning session. Nothing like a bad day turned good to turn out some positive energy. I walked into the session, and I nailed it! The show went on, and I was ready for the next adventure.

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flickr photo credits: (1) shareski (2) bionicteaching (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) lesliemb

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