Five Card Story: What My Noncommittal Herb Garden has Taught Me

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a Five Card Flickr story by Sarah Steele created Jun 15 2023, 01:37:13 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) pepe.meneu (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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Despite not liking to commit to anything in general, I have had a lifelong tendency jump into things - no matter how major or minor - without much thought and then scare myself afterward when I realize the commitment I've made. Those who know me best would probably say that impetuousness and contradicting myself are two of my defining characteristics. Even though I have (hopefully) matured over the last couple of decades and can stay in one place and in one job for more than a fleeting moment, glimmers of my impulsivity occasionally shine through - again, in major and minor ways. For example, last year I started a garden - or my noncommittal version of a garden, which is several nicely arranged pots of various herbs displayed on my front porch. I found myself really wanting to grow my own fresh herbs to put in all the food I had started cooking and break I had started baking after the pandemic started (cliche, I know), but I just could not stand the thought of committing to tearing up even a little bit of my yard to plant anything. This was not because of aesthetic reasons, even though I do like my yard to look neat, but because I knew that if I lost interest, I would have to till it all again, plant grass seed, etc. Even tilling and planting a small patch of ground seemed daunting and too much effort for something I would probably quit after I lost interest anyway (staircase and long road pics). So I put my first herbs in pots on my porch. Seeing them sitting there in easy-to-dispose-of containers made this gardening thing seem so light and breezy. Now a year later, my noncommittal, carefree garden has expanded to include five differents herbs, which are all thriving, including my flowering arugula (a sign of healthy arugula, according to my landscaper husband). My gardening style has helped me understand that it's okay to have characteristics that society considers less-than-desirable, even when they are major parts of your personality, as long as you are self-aware and open enough to learn how to channel them into positive outcomes through a method that works for you.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) pepe.meneu (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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