Five Card Story: Lion de Rêve

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a Five Card Flickr story by Nick Williams created Jun 17 2023, 04:15:04 am. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) Serenae (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

about this story

As I sit under the pink ribbon sky, watching as the gilded strips hide beneath the horizon, I ponder several questions of life. I watch as the clouds thin into wisps as balls of light begin to emerge from the ocean of blue shades.

I wonder. What do lions dream of? Do they dream of catching gazelles in the African prairie or do they dream of the trips outside of the land they call home?

Do lions weep and smile as they look at the pink ribbon sky? Do lions call out to the angels and sing praises to the most High? Do lions, think of preserving their history upon thin pieces of wood or do they chase knowledge in powerful claws?

I laugh, because there is no way that lions can dream of all of these things. I mean, that's what logic would tell me. That's what society would tell me, but I wonder...

What does the Black man dream of? Perhaps he dreams of the gilded strips that hide beneath the horizon? Perhaps he envisions the destiny that manifests itself from the marked, leather cages that sit in libraries soaking up dust.

Perhaps he thinks of the feathers of hope left at each doorstep by angels covering his step. Perhaps he thinks of each breathe he takes as he carries the weight of legacy dreams passed down through invisible fetters.

Perhaps he thinks about the eyes that stare as he enters places once designed out of his reach. Perhaps he thinks about the footprint of the lion and the claws it must hide. Perhaps he thinks about the angel's wings that shield him from harm. Perhaps he thinks of the words he's acquired from the leather cages. Perhaps he thinks of balls of light holding a wish for change,

holding a hope to chase a dream deferred by the cage of his home, free to run
like the lion
who dreams.

So many questions, I ponder as darkness covers my eyes.
So many thoughts I bury in the weight of a crown.
Heavy is the head that wears it
Heavy are the brown hands that bear it.

So many things I wonder
as a Black man
as a lion
seeking the freedom to breathe and hunt the dreams my ancestors deferred.
Heavy indeed is the head who bears his crown.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) Serenae (4) bionicteaching (5) bionicteaching

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