Five Card Story: A dream woman or a story about how I met my first true love

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a Five Card Flickr story by ZackyU_U created Oct 22 2023, 05:57:42 pm. Create a new one!

flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) Serenae

about this story

It all started at this fence. My vacation was ending, which meant I had to find a job. I sent out my CV wherever I could and now a notification came to my phone. I will work in an elite company and it never occurred to me that they would take me there. Suddenly I saw a girl on the street. She was very beautiful and my spider-Man instinct said I should talk to her and get to know her. I decided to jump the fence, but I didn't take into account one fact it was bigger than I thought. Sadly, my pants tore and I fell down, but I couldn't back down and still decided to approach that cute girl. I approached her and couldn't think of anything better than to ask if she knew where to buy new pants and if she wanted to look for them with me. She just smiled and said that there are identical pants in the store around the corner and if you call Ellie's name, they will definitely give me a 5 percent discount. She left and the only thing I knew was her name. And the whole city has now seen that I have underwear with ninja turtles.

Fortunately, I had to go to work only next week and I decided to go to the sea. I was sitting drinking beer and looking at the sea when I suddenly heard. Hey, Captain Torn pants, do you have an extra bottle? We sat and talked about everything we could. It feels like I've known her all my life. I stole a kinder surprise from the store then so that she would remember this day exactly and the toy would remind her of it. Walking on the night beach, she said that her train would be in an hour and she needed to hurry up. I realized that I might never see her again and decided to accompany her to the train station. We were late so in my life I had never run before as it turned out she loves to run and I hate but we made it and she jumped into the car and the train went and I never managed to hug her. I felt sad and decided to go home earlier than planned.

A week has passed and it's time to work. Suddenly, near the entrance, I noticed a familiar face but with different hair. The girl spoke and I recognized the voice. It was Alice. Well, here we meet the great thief of kinder surprises. The day passed unnoticed and I decided to wait for her and invite her to have a cup of coffee. As it turned out, she was waiting for me too. That night we started dating.

A month later we decided to go to a place that looked like Silent Hill. We took a lot of good photos and it occurred to me that maybe I really found a person with whom I have fun and feel good. Then I decided that I would propose to her.

We were walking the next day and it was raining terribly. I bent down to tie my shoelaces and suddenly realize that Alice has disappeared and she is nowhere to be found. In fact, she probably understood what I wanted to do. Surprisingly, she came with new pants and said that she remembered the place where we met and decided that it would be a good gift for me. I realized that it was time to act, especially since the place was suitable, I got down on one knee and made a marriage proposal. Finally, we have been married for two years and she still comes up with funny nicknames for me.

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flickr photo credits: (1) bionicteaching (2) Serenae (3) bionicteaching (4) bionicteaching (5) Serenae

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